Working Together To Change The World


While we each have an individual responsibility to Reach others for Christ, we also have a corporate responsibility as well. There are some who we can only REACH effectively by Reaching together. 

To this end, RockFish Church offers a variety of Reach opportunities to differing segments of the community. It is our goal to REACH every segment of our community WITH the help and hope that is only available through Jesus Christ.

Upcoming REACH Events

OurREACH Teams

homeless outreach team

A Way Out

A Way Out is how RockFish Church engages with the homeless community in our area. The goal is to offer more than just a handout. In addition to providing some of the basic necessities, this program builds relationships with the goal of sharing the help and hope that is only found in Jesus Christ. This is done with the understanding that without a heart change, true life change will not occur.
community reach event

Community Reach Events

These events take the church into the local neighborhoods. We combine food, fun, and the gospel as we serve the community. The goal is to interact with the community in such a way that it opens the door for the gospel message. The world is in need of help and hope, so it is our job to bring it to them.
homeless outreach team

Emergency Response Network

Responding to disasters, both natural and man-made, this team is bringing help and hope to those who find themselves facing unexpected circumstances. As we go, we are building a network of like minded churches, empowering them to help not only their communities but other communities as well.
community reach event

Lunch With Us

Lunch with Us is a monthly event that RockFish Church supports through volunteers. This event brings food as well as the gospel to areas of food insecurity around our community.
homeless outreach team

Prayer Points

Prayer Points are a great way to engage the community. All you have to do is simply set up the tent and then be present. Those that need help and hope will come to you. The key to a successful Prayer Point is consistency. 

The most successful Prayer Points occur regularly on the same day and time. It can be every week or every other week. It may take a little time, but the people will come.
homeless outreach team

Prison Team

This team is carrying the help and hope that is only found in Jesus Christ to those in local jails and prisons. Armed with the Gospel, the only hope for true and lasting life change, this team is not only reaching for those in prison, but their families as well.
homeless outreach team

Pro Life

This team goes beyond the 40 Days for Life and works year-round to meet the needs of mothers and babies. From sidewalk counseling to enabling abortion pill reversal to helping mothers with the needs of a new baby, this team is making a difference.
homeless outreach team

International Reach Team

RockFish Church is engaged in an ongoing effort to develop and establish international ministry partners. Do you have an international connection or a heart to help reach the world? Consider how you might be able to bring value to something so close to the heart of God.